If I were to hold the Shift key down I can select another rectangular area and add it to that. So you can select a rectangular area like that. So in Icon view you can click on an area that doesn't have a file, like let's say this space right here, and drag and a box will be created that will then select all the files underneath that box.

Now when you have some files selected if you just click on another file without holding down any modifier key it forgets that selection and starts a new selection with that one file. I can do Command A and then Command click the Miscellaneous folder and now I can drag all of these files into the Miscellaneous folder. So let's say I wanted to move all of the files into this Miscellaneous folder. So you Command A to select all files and then you can Command click to deselect a few files. This is also handy if you want to select almost all files. Now if you want to select all files you can do Command A. So I can hold the Shift key down and select more files and deselect them as well. We're going to find out that's not true in List and Column view. In Icon view the Shift key works the same way as the Command key does. If I decide I don't want this one included I can Command click on it and you can see that one is deselected. Clicking with the Command key also works to deselect a file. I can hold the Command key down and select a third file, a fourth file, etc. Now if you want to select a second file you hold the Command key down and click on that file. To select a single file, of course, all you need to do is click on it.

But each one has some slight differences.

Selecting files in these three different views works pretty much the same. So there are three main views in the Finder. There are several different ways and there are some more advanced techniques that you may find useful. So one of the most frequently asked questions online about Macs is how do you select multiple files in the Finder. There you can read more about it, join us, and get exclusive content. MacMost is brought to you thanks to a great group of more than 500 supporters. In this video I'm going to show you how to select multiple files on your Mac.

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